"Give control and create leaders"
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F5 Solutions Ltd

“Refreshing consultancy and training solutions”


Shaping the future through creative solutions

F5 Solutions LTD utilise over 5 years of senior management experience to be able to work across multiple industries in a consultative and collaborative manner in order to answer the question “what keeps you awake at night?”

Creating, building and delivering solutions based on the current challenges on the business we are working with, utilising the 7 critical success factors required in order to drive the required change.

A collaborative and open approach means that we go on a journey with our clients, leading to bespoke outcomes. Individual training needs are addressed with a variety of training solutions.

Get in touch with us to set up a consultation, or use the contact form to the right of this page to enquire about our services.


Our Services include…..



When looking for solutions there doesn't tend to be an off the shelf answer. It is important to “lift up the drains” firstly and explore the requirements of the company in order to achieve the desired outcome they expect from any intervention. Effective consultancy starting with the 7 critical success factors can be an important first step


High potential team workshops

There is no "I” in team. Working groups and teams around the world are all striving to be better. Their vision is to be a “High performing team”. Firstly though it is about understanding what it takes to be a high potential team or even an affective working group. Where is your team on the high potential team curve?



F5 Solutions Ltd strive to be focused on the future when it comes to training solutions. All of our training is bespoke to our clients, meaning it can focus on where the real opportunities are. We also have a suite of readily available training all of which is designed with accelerated learning in mind. Maximum impact is what we aim for.



Coaching is more prevalent than ever. What is coaching? When and where is coaching affective? How can coaching improve the performance of both an individual and a team? Fantastic questioning and listening skills are extremely powerful. Great coaches breed great performance. F5 solutions Ltd can help to put coaching at the centre of a companies culture.


management programmes

Developing people as well as processes is now more important than ever. F5 Solutions Ltd’s softer skill Management programmes are designed to leave you with a fully rounded Manager, with the ability to inspire, motivate and coach their teams in order to maximise their performance within your industry.                           



Bespoke programmes built to the clients needs and focusing on monitoring and scoring 100% of the calls that come in and go out of the business. A follow up programme is then built to help drive the performance requirement in line with the business objectives set at the beginning of the programme.


The electric light did not

come from the continuous

improvement of candles

- Oren Harari